shrthnd - Work with data that uses shorthand and symbols
Process character vectors of numerical data that contains non-numeric shorthand and symbols.
Last updated 11 months ago
3.48 score 2 starsgovukhugo - GOV.UK style hugo site builer
A set of functions for applying the govuk-hugo theme to hugo static sites and for rendering Rmarkdown documents.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.40 score 5 stars 1 scripts
tidyods - Read cells from ODS files
Import cells from ODS files. Identify a cell's postion, value types and formulas, and provide methods to "rectify" cells back to a 2-dimensional data.frame.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.30 score 4 stars 5 scriptsdeckhand - Create data heavy {pagedown} reports (slide decks)
Generate {pagedown} reports for data heavy publications. Often these types of reports have been laid out using presentation software and therefore called "slide decks" even though they aren't presented but turned into PDFs and printed. A deckhand is an experienced seaman in the merchant navy who helps with the general running of a ship, the {deckhand} package helps you produce your report.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.28 score 19 stars 5 scriptsdeckhand2 - Create slide decks and grid layout paginated HTML reports
An extension to the pagedown package that uses the CSS grid layout module to provide extensive layout control of page based Rmarkdown reports.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.18 score 3 stars 1 scripts